Hooray! My Husband is Retired!

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This is just a short post today to say that my husband’s last day at work was Thursday. Monday is his offical retirement date, but we’re celebrating now. It’s been a rather quiet celebration after the accolades he got at work. (The above photo is when he got his 25 year pin at work a week or so ago, though he really worked there 27+ years.)

We’re going to be getting used to a new routine and enjoying being home together and working side by side. (Our offices are next to each other.) I told him I had a long honey-do list for him, but it was mostly tech stuff. He was happy with that. He loves tech stuff. I hope he’ll take over some of the podcast production, and maybe promotion so I can finish my second novel, and maybe add something new. More on that later if it comes to fruition.

We did get a taste of what retirement would be like during the pandemic, and loved it. So, here’s to a new phase of our lives with lots of changes.

In case you’re interested, I have posted some Story-Power Bonus episodes recently about movies I have watched and enjoyed. I plan to do more of those. And over on Patreon, I’ve created a Book Collection, where I am posting about books, mostly by podcast guests, that I’ve read, or plan to read. I’m always trying to spread the story love.

I’d love to hear about times in your life when you had to make some big changes. What were the joys and difficulties of changing jobs, moving, getting married, having children, or any other huge change you had to navigate.

Welcome to my new followers and thanks for your likes and comments. Have a wonderful new month coming your way.


Lucinda Sage-Midgorden © 2024

The Space Between Time

Lucinda is the author of The Space Between Time, an award finalist in the “Fiction: Fantasy” category of the 2017 Best Book Awards.

Have you ever experienced life shattering events? Yeah, after the last few years, most of us have. In The Space Between Time, Jenna Holden gets slammed by her fiancé walking out, her mother’s untimely death, and losing her job all in one week. But she receives unexpected help when she finds her three-times great-grandmother’s journals and begins the adventure of a lifetime.

The Space Between Time is available in all ebook formats at Smashwords and for Kindle at Amazon, or you can find the ebook at iBooks or Barnes and Noble. If you prefer a physical copy, you can find a print-on-demand version at Amazon. Stay tuned for news when the audiobook version and sequel are published.

Lucinda is also the host of Story-Power a podcast where she and her guests discuss their creative endeavors, and/or the stories that have changed their lives. It’s available here on Sage Woman Chronicles and on Apple, Google, and Spotify podcast apps. Please rate and leave a review. It helps people find me.

Rita Gau’s review: Recently, I finished reading a book titled, The Space Between Time, by my friend, Lucinda Sage-Midgorden. It was the best book I’ve read in a long time. It kept me captivated, which I have not experienced from any other book for the past couple of years. I loved all the little gems of meaningful and what I call spiritual statements throughout the book. You know, those words that make you pause and think, and sometimes have an “aha” from or a deeper awareness about something. And it was entertaining and informational about some of the history in the 1800’s and yet, contemporary. It also reminded me of the importance of “living in community” and how important it is to help one another and be engaged in your community. Thank you Lucinda for a wonderful, entertaining and captivating book!

Story-Power on Patreon and Apple Subscriptions

I’m so passionate about stories that I created the Story-Power podcast, Patreon Community, and Apple subscription so I’d have an excuse to talk story with other story lovers. Patreon is $5 a month for content not found on the Story-Power podcast, or on my Sage Woman Blog. The Apple subscription is $3 a month, again with content not found on the Story-Power podcast. If you’re passionate about stories, and want to talk about what you’ve learned from your favorites, come join me at patreon.com/StoryPower. Or, you can add the subscription on Apple podcast where Story-Power is published. Let’s share what we’ve learned from the stories we love.

Published by lucindasagemidgorden

I grew up in the West, the descendant of people traveling by wagon train to a new life. Some of their determination and wanderlust became a part of me. I imagine them sitting around the campfire telling stories, which is why I became first a theatre artist, then a teacher and now a writer. They are all ways of telling stories.

2 thoughts on “Hooray! My Husband is Retired!

    1. I’ll give him your regards. He’s contemplating what creative projects he’s going to do.


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