Fiction is What I Always Wanted to Write

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Fran Hawthorne, a New Yorker, is a former journalist with 8 non-fiction books and hundreds, if not thousands of articles to her credit. She’s won awards for her nonfiction writing, however, what she wanted ever since she was four years old, was to be a novelist. She has fulfilled that dream with two novels published so far, The Heirs and her latest which was published in November 2022, I Meant to Tell You. You can find out more about Fran and discover all her work on her website, Also, look for her on Instagram @hawthornewriter. Send her a message, she’s always happy to talk to anyone interested in her books.

Nathaniel Hawthorne, Author

Story-Power Ep. 83, “The Novel in the Journalist’s Drawer” with Fran Hawthorne

Agatha Christie, Author

Red Sparrow, Jason Matthews, Also in the series, Palace of Treason, The Kremlin’s Candidate

The Sixth Sense (1999) Director and Writer, M. Night Shyamalan, Starring, Bruce Willis, Haley Joel Osment, Toni Collette, Olivia Williams

James Joyce, Author, Finnegan’s Wake

William Shakespeare, Playwright

The Heirs, Fran Hawthorne’s first novel

The Lost Shtetll, Max Gross

Gratitude, Delphine de Vigan

Sage Woman Chronicles, Lucinda’s blog

Story-Power on Patreon and Apple Subscriptions

I’m so passionate about stories that I created the Story-Power podcast, Patreon Community, and Apple subscription so I’d have an excuse to talk story with other story lovers. Patreon is $5 a month for content not found on the Story-Power podcast, or on my Sage Woman Blog. The Apple subscription is $3 a month, again with content not found on the Story-Power podcast. If you’re passionate about stories, and want to talk about what you’ve learned from your favorites, come join me at Or, you can add the subscription on Apple podcast where Story-Power is published. Let’s share what we’ve learned from the stories we love.


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Published by lucindasagemidgorden

I grew up in the West, the descendant of people traveling by wagon train to a new life. Some of their determination and wanderlust became a part of me. I imagine them sitting around the campfire telling stories, which is why I became first a theatre artist, then a teacher and now a writer. They are all ways of telling stories.

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